Erasmus KA229 Projemiz: Digital Storytelling

Erasmus KA229 Projemiz: Digital Storytelling


Tähtikunnan koulu   Finland
GO!Basisschool Het Molenschip Evergem  Belgium
Söke 100.Yıl Atatürk Ortaokulu   Turkey
Agrupamento de Escolas João da Silva Correia           Portugal


22.11.2020 891


Projenin Amacı: Bu Erasmus+ Projesinde öğrencilerin akademik, sosyal ve duygusal öğrenmelerini desteklemek için eğitsel bağlamda dijital hikayelerin farklı disiplinlere entegrasyonunu sağlamaya yönelik öğrenme ortamlarının oluşturulması, tasarlanması, geliştirilmesi ve etkili uygulama örnekleri hazırlanması da amaçlamaktayız. Bireysel ya da işbirlikli-gruplar halinde hazırlanan dijital hikaye anlatımı etkinlikleriyle öğrencilerin 21. yy becerilerinin yanı sıra yaratıcılıklarının ve sosyal-duygusal öğrenmelerinin gelişimine  katkı sağlamak amacıyla projemiz 5 ülkede 6 okulda ulusötesi uygulanacaktır. 



Education provides opportunities to develop lifelong competencies and personal values in both teachers as well as pupils. Our partnership of 6 schools, all with specific competencies and planned project activities, can provide and make a team that shares and tutors each other in the international level to face the future challenges. The project DIGITAL STORYTELLING (DS) is based on the needs of the partner schools to address the 21st-century skills: creativity, academic, social and emotional learning, reading and writing skills and digital skills. We have started the eTwinnig project "Digital Storytelling for Creativity and Social-Emotional Learning", which is targeting on the academic, social and emotional development of students.

The starting point of Digital Storytelling-project is to make sense of the world and reflect the world as it is and as it could be with pupils' own voice. The idea is to find brighter future in the thought that together doing and learning we will achieve it. The project will create educational environments where collaborative stories, online teaching/learning and activities will unite the project members on emotional and social level to learn empathy, humanity and compassion and in the same time learn interactive and multimedia technologies at various levels.

DS will support curriculum in all six countries and bring the project members to the future of ICT-skills and teaching with ICT online, distant or face to face. DS involves processes where pupils carry out tasks of searching information, writing scenarios, communication and evaluation. Pupils will learn to be active multimedia creators instead of passive consumers as well as critical consumers. DS in the classroom provides tools in the process that aim to create, design, develop and prepare effective application examples by integrating digital stories into different subjects. 

This projects transnational aspect through learning activities will develop basic literacies, support creativity and inventive thinking and enhance also learning in Maths, Science, Language and Social skills. DS will create opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged pupils by using ICT-tools that can fade the disadvantages. Good practices and experience will be shared as peer learning will be possible. Both pupils' and teachers' intercultural competencies as their European citizenship awareness and cultural understandings will grow naturally by working together and naturally the English skills will develop as it is the projects main language.

The projects objectives will be achieved through national and international activities for which participants will be working in transnational teams: logo competition, posters workshops, organizing scenario, story and short film online-festival, project exhibitions, trekkings, website design etc. The international meetings will be highlights in our project, providing a learning process based on participants'experience and exchange different methods that focus mainly on practice.


The participants in the project will transfer their knowledge and skills to their own families and communities The expected learning results are represented by knowledge, competences, attitudes, emotions. Intellectual outcome will consist of digital stories, project website will be created, unique project logo designed,posters and brochures, scenario and stories will be written by students.On the long term, the partnership is expected to enhance students' sense of successful EU citizenship through digital storytelling activities carried out in an international settings. We hope that our project will be an innovative initiative for technology integration into education and generates strengthened motivation, self-confidence, creativity, constructive activities and lifelong skills and motivation.


Proje Hareketlilikleri

22-29 Ekim 2022 - Portekiz (São João da Madeira - Agrupamento de Escolas João da Silva Correia )

25 Şubat - 4 Mart 2023 - Finlandiya (Sodankylä - Tähtikunnan koulu)

22-26 Mayıs 2023 - İspanya (Aranjuez - San Pascual School)


Proje hareketliliklerine katılan öğrencilerimizin gezi günlükleri  

Finlandiya Gezisi 

İspanya Gezisi



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